Pink Pepper essential oil is steam distilled from the peppercorns of the Brazillian pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolius. This plant is often confused with a similar species, Schinus molle. This wonderful oil is colourless to pale green in colour with fresh woody peppry warm and spicy notes.
Similar to black pepper oil pink pepper is a stimulating and cleansing oil. It will add an energizing zing to your aroma blend. This oil will warm up any blend with its properties of heat and spice. In aromatherapy, pepper essential oils are great for most digestive and circulatory issues.
Brazillian pepper tree is a sprawling shrub or small tree with a shallow root system, reaching a height of 7-10 m. the delicately scented flowers form hanging clusters that produce the peppercorns or drupes from May to June.
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